March, 2014
Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned For May 8th, 2014
The next meeting of the Belgian C++ Users Group is planned for Thursday May 8th, 2014 at 18:00 at Materialise HQ. Materialise ( ) is sponsoring this event by providing the location, drinks and catering We will have an international speaker for this event: Artur Laksberg. Artur Laksberg leads the Visual C++ Libraries development […]
Slides of the 17th of March 2014 BeCPP Meeting
There were around 55 attendees for the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting on 17th of March 2014. Thank you everyone for joining us. We would also like to thank KLA-Tencor / ICOS Belgium for sponsoring the event by providing the location and catering. If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would […]
Pictures of the 17th of March 2014 BeCPP Meeting
Here are some pictures of the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting held on 17th of March 2014.
Book “Bonnes pratiques et erreurs à éviter (en C++)”
Recently a new book was released about best practices and errors to avoid in C++. The book is in French. Here is the French description: Développer une application peut rapidement devenir un enfer si vous n’avez pas anticipé certaines difficultés et fait les bons choix au moment de sa conception. Ce livre vous aidera à […]