April, 2024

Slides of the 8th of April 2024 BeCPP Meeting

April 13, 2024 Marc Gregoire Events

Thank you everyone for joining the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting on 8th of April 2024 and thanks to Attentia for sponsoring the event by providing the location and catering. If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them below. Building […]



Pictures of the 8th of April 2024 BeCPP Meeting

April 13, 2024 Marc Gregoire Events

Here are some pictures of the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting held on 8th of April 2024.



Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Conference

April 6, 2024 Marc Gregoire Events

Pure Virtual C++ is a free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. This year it will run on April 30th 15:00 UTC. Sign-up for free to get access to five sessions on the day and a host of pre-conference content. Here is the list of sessions:


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