Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned for April 8th, 2024

March 7, 2024 Marc Gregoire Events

I’m happy to announce that the next meeting of the Belgian C++ Users Group is planned for Monday April 8th, 2024 at 18:00 at Attentia.

Attentia ( ) is sponsoring this event by providing the location, drinks and catering.

Attentia Logo

The agenda is as follows:

  • 18:00: Reception with food.
  • 18:30: Session 1: Building a class for modular arithmetic (Toon Baeyens)
    Writing modern C++ is not easy. Yet, doing it well brings you many benefits. The code will be elegant, and the program will be fast.
    In this talk, we will be building a type for modular arithmetic as an excuse to discover many powerful features and techniques within the C++ ecosystem.
    This adventure will take us from concepts, metaprogramming, and dependent types to integer division, studying generated assembly and micro-benchmarking.
  • 19:30: Break
  • 19:45: Session 2: Using C++ in the cloud using the AWS C++SDK (Hans Klabbers)
    Have you ever wondered what cloud computing and serverless provide you as a software developer that creates software with C++? During this talk you will get insight in Amazon Web Services a.k.a. AWS Cloud. A demo of a serverless solution created with AWS services and software built with C++ will be shown during the talk.
  • 20:45: Introduction to Attentia, followed by a drink.

Professional C++, 6th Edition
We will be giving away a copy of Professional C++, 6th Edition.

Beginning C++23, From Beginner to Pro
We will also give away a copy of Beginning C++23, From Beginner to Pro.

The event is free for everyone, but you need to register for it.

There are 60 seats available for this event.

Note: The deadline for registrations is April 4th, 2024!



Slides of the 31st of October 2023 BeCPP Meeting

November 10, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

Thank you everyone for joining the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting on 31st of October 2023 and thanks to DAE and Howest for sponsoring the event by providing the location and catering.

DAE Logo Howest Logo

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them below.



Pictures of the 31st of October 2023 BeCPP Meeting

November 10, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

Here are some pictures of the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting held on 31st of October 2023.



Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned for October 31st, 2023

September 25, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

I’m happy to announce that the next meeting of the Belgian C++ Users Group is planned for Tuesday October 31st, 2023 at 18:00 at DAE and Howest (Howest, Campus Kortrijk Weide – The Penta).

DAE ( ) and Howest ( ) are sponsoring this event by providing the location, drinks and catering.

DAE Logo Howest Logo

The agenda is as follows:

  • 18:00: Reception with food.
  • 18:30: Session 1: Elevating Precision in C++: A Journey below the Surface of Floating-Point (Tom Tesch)
    Floating-point numbers, with their varying levels of precision, serve as foundational components in the toolkit of both new and seasoned C++ developers. In this presentation, we will uncover the inner workings of floating-point variables, explore their limitations, and discuss strategies for extending precision while being mindful of associated trade-offs. Join us as we embark on a journey into the realm of floating-point arithmetic in C++, offering insights that will enhance your programming finesse.
  • 19:30: Break
  • 19:45: Session 2: Coroutines: Don’t try this at home (Lieven de Cock)
    In C++20 we got the core language feature “coroutines”. Mostly oriented to the advanced c++ programmers, and not for the mere mortals, since it requires a lot of boilerplate one would not like to write. It provides the fundamentals to further build upon. Unfortunately the STL library did not build on it yet, more was to come in C++23.
    In C++23 we will only get one follow up: std::generator.
    So let’s revisit coroutines. What are they? A function that can be suspended and resumed. Easily said, but how to make use of it and write that boilerplate after all. We will look at the coroutine from 2 different angles: the user code and the compiler, and we will inspect what each wants or would like to have, and where we need to glue them together and what is needed for that purpose. We will give insights on topics like: coroutine frame, couroutine handle, promise_type, the interface or api.
    And if time permits we will look at an example of coroutines in use in asynchronous code (because a misconception is that coroutines (purely) have to do with threads and async’s).
  • 20:45: Introduction to DAE and Howest, followed by a drink.

The event is free for everyone, but you need to register for it.

There are 250 seats available for this event.

Note: The deadline for registrations is October 29th, 2023!



Slides of the 11th of May 2023 BeCPP Meeting

May 19, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

Thank you everyone for joining the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting on 11th of May 2023 and thanks to Twikit for sponsoring the event by providing the location and catering.

Twikit Logo

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them below.



Pictures of the 11th of May 2023 BeCPP Meeting

May 19, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

Here are some pictures of the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting held on 11th of May 2023.



Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned for May 11th, 2023

March 22, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

I’m happy to announce that the next meeting of the Belgian C++ Users Group is planned for Thursday May 11th, 2023 at 18:00 at Twikit.

Twikit ( ) is sponsoring this event by providing the location, drinks and catering.

Twikit Logo

The agenda is as follows:

  • 18:00: Reception with food.
  • 18:30: Session 1: C++23 – What’s in it for You? (Marc Gregoire)
    C++23, the next release of the C++ standard, introduces new features to the core language and to the Standard Library. This session will bring you up to date with the latest features coming with this new release.
    The session includes core language topics such as consteval if statements, multidimensional subscript operators, decay copy, unreachable code, and more. New Standard Library features that will be shown include monadic operations for std::optional, std::flat_map, std::flat_set, a stacktrace library, changes to the ranges library, improvements to std::format, std::expected, and many more.
  • 19:30: Break
  • 19:45: Session 2: Emscripten, what and how? (Dave De Breuck)
    This talk will give a brief introduction of Emscripten itself and explain how Emscripten, an LLVM-based compiler, converts C++ to JavaScript, which lets you run a C++ codebase on the web at near-native speed.
  • 20:45: Introduction to Twikit, followed by a drink.

The event is free for everyone, but you need to register for it.

There are 60 seats available for this event.

Note: The deadline for registrations is May 9th, 2023!



Slides of the 17th of January 2023 BeCPP Meeting

January 31, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

Thank you everyone for joining the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting on 17th of January 2023 and thanks to Medicim / Envista for sponsoring the event by providing the location and catering.

Medicim LogoEnvista Logo

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them below.



Pictures of the 17th of January 2023 BeCPP Meeting

January 22, 2023 Marc Gregoire Events

Here are some pictures of the Belgian C++ Users Group meeting held on 17th of January 2023.



Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned for January 17th, 2023

December 8, 2022 Marc Gregoire Events

I’m happy to announce that the next meeting of the Belgian C++ Users Group is planned for Tuesday January 17th, 2023 at 18:00 at Medicim / Envista.

Medicim / Envista ( ) is sponsoring this event by providing the location, drinks and catering.

Medicim LogoEnvista Logo

The agenda is as follows:

  • 18:00: Reception with food.
  • 18:30: Session 1: Constraints and Concepts (Peter Van Weert)
    This presentation consists of two parts:
    First, I explain how you can, and more importantly should, constrain your template arguments using requires clauses and, typically, concepts. Doing so results in more readable compilation errors, self-documenting template definitions, and easier, more expressive template specialization.
    Next, I show how you can define your own concepts using the new syntax introduced in C++20. Quite some new syntax to learn, for sure, but you’ll quickly see that constraints and concepts are far easier to master (or at least understand) than the more advanced SFINAE techniques (std::enable_if_t, std::void_t, …) they essentially supersede.
  • 19:30: Break
  • 19:45: Session 2: Space Invaders: The Spaceship Operator is upon us (Lieven de Cock)
    Before C++20 we had to write 6 comparison operators for our user defined types (or even more). For sure, a tedious task. All this gets simplified with the introduction of the spaceship operator.
    What happens to your code, when you turn on “-std=c++20” even before we go near the spaceship operator, did your build break? Why does that happen? We will first investigate, another new feature of C++20, the rewriting rules, and how that impacts your code base. And then we will dissect the spaceship operator, from a using perspective, and from an implementation perspective. Oh yes, comparison categories, what are those, and why are these important with respect to the spaceship operator? All will be answered, what initially looked so simple, does require some extra thoughts it seems to correctly use the tool.
  • 20:45: Introduction to Medicim / Envista, followed by a drink.

Professional C++, 5th Edition
We will be giving away a copy of Professional C++, 5th Edition.

The event is free for everyone, but you need to register for it.

There are 75 seats available for this event.

Note: The deadline for registrations is January 13th, 2023!


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