Webcast: Write modern, compliant, compatible fast running Windows 8 application (incl. games) in C++ using Visual Studio 2012

October 14, 2012 Marc Gregoire Events

[ Webcast cancelled. The BeCPP meeting is still scheduled as normal at 18:30 on October 16th. ]


Next Tuesday, October 16th, the Belgian C++ Users Group is organizing their next event at 18:30 in the Microsoft offices in Zaventem.

At the same day a speaker from Microsoft Redmond will give a webcast on writing modern, compliant, compatible fast running Windows 8 apps in C++ using Visual Studio 2012. This webcast starts at 17:00. There will be a live projection of this webcast in the Microsoft offices in Zaventem. If you are attending the BeCPP event at 18:30 and you are interested in following this webcast, you are always welcome to come to the Microsoft offices in Zaventem around 17:00, then you can first follow the webcast followed by the two BeCPP presentations.

  • If you are interested in following the webcast, please register here.
  • If you are interested in following this webcast from the Microsoft offices in Zaventem, you should also register here, and let us know by email that you’ll come to the Microsoft offices.

The abstract for the webcast is as follows:

If we look around in the market today there are a wide spectrum of devices as well as scenarios that consumers are exercising. With an explosion of devices from phones & tablets, to PC’s, to data centers applications are defining a new lifestyle for our consumers via connected, rich and immersive applications. With that there are additional requirements in terms of resource usage being enforced on applications (battery life, screen resolution). Additionally these application support various different platforms and thus there is need to write compatible code across different platforms. More than ever before we need to be critical about the architecture and structure of our applications by asking key questions: Is our application capable of performing the best in an environment of limited resources? Is our code base compatible across different platforms? Across each of these scenarios, devices, questions it is evident that compatibility, cross-platform and performance are key. And the language that helps you get the most performance from across different platforms and hardware while maintaining the simplicity of the modern language is C++. If you are writing applications for the Windows platform be it traditional desktop applications or the new Windows 8 applications/games there is something for you in this session.

Speaker: Amit Mohindra

Visual C++ 2012, Visual Studio 2012, Windows 8, WinRT,

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